An amulet is any object with the general power to safeguard its owner from harm and to bring him or her happiness and good luck. A talisman is more specific and is always prepared for a specific reason. Now you can see examples of hundreds of different talismans and amulets that you can use, along with exact instructions on how to design your own, in The Complete Book of Amulets & Talismans by Migene Gonzíçles-Wippler. This is easily the most thorough book on the subject published in the past fifty to 100 years. It is the only one of this depth written from a contemporary point of view, making it easy for you to understand and use. It starts with a brief overview of theories on how the magic of these devices works and then gives a historical survey of amulets, looking at the very earliest of known amulets. Here you will learn the history of the Ankh or looped cross and Hebrew Cheth, both of which are symbols of life. You'll also learn about Babylonian and Assyrian amulets as well as more than twenty-five Egyptian amulets. The book covers many Hebrew amulets as well as ones from Phoenicia, Greece, Rome, and those of the Gnostics. Then the book goes into greater detail on some of the most important or popular types of amulets. You will learn about how astrology was used in making them and how you can use astrological symbolism to design your own amulets. Also covered is the magical use of colors, numbers, and letters on amulets. Amulets are frequently taken from nature. Here you will learn how to use vegetation for amulets. For example, apple brings love, anise seed facilitates marriage, and garlic protects ships from sinking. Over sixty-five herbal amulets are described. So, too, are thirty-five gems and stones described for their magical purposes. But the type of amulet most people are most familiar with is the one that has some sort of magical design. The book covers how to make them from the traditions of Voodoo, Pennsylvania Dutch, Native Americans, Hindus, and Tibetans. You'll also learn how amulets wereäóîand areäóîused to ward off the evil eye. The book also reveals how the symbols of stars and crosses have been used in amulets. Next, the book shows you how to make and use your own talismans. You will learn about correspondences in design and how you can use astrology, numerology, geometry, tattwas, colors, divine names, Enochian, and old magical grimoires to create your own powerful magical devices. You will find numerous examples of such talismans along with information on how to charge them. Even the secrets of magic squares are revealed for your use. If you are just getting into the study of talismans and amulets, or if you have been using them but want a resource that reveals everything, this is the book you must have. It simply must be a part of your book collection. Paperback English | 304 pages | 6"x9" Photos.