HELLO spiritual family thank you for reading this! The author is unknown but I saw one of my loves on Facebook post this, so please feel free to share this thank you!
Dear Younger Ladies!!!! Do I need to breakdown the "Friend Code" for some of you, because clearly there's too many girls going missing or getting killed. This is how we "Old Schoolers" roll.

•Code 1: " We leave together... We stay together....We come back together. NO you not leaving with some RANDOM dude & NO I'm not leaving you at the party by yourself!
• Code 2 " Both of us can't be sh*t face drunk (neither of you should), at least one person needs to be alert & aware of our surroundings!
•Code 3 " If you got to go to the bathroom or outside ." WE ALL GOING TO THE DAMN BATHROOM AND OUTSIDE!!" Period!
•Code 4 " We don't accept drinks from strangers unless we're at the bar and watch the bartender pour".
• Code 5 " If I feel like you too drunk to function , we leaving the party early". (We'll fuss about you messing up the night later)
• Code 6 " If you just so happen to go missing, I will give you a maximum of 4 mins to show up before I shut the place down and we ALL are going to be looking for your ass!!! FOR REAL!!! Everybody else can call the police cause I ain't going home without you!
• Code 7 "If you're fighting we fighting so let’s keep it cute and classy!
• Code 8 and the golden rule, "The drop off person check in or everyone who drove checks in when getting home". If we don't hear from you, we coming to ya house!!!