Native American RSS

creek nation, mexican, Native American -

I remember back in the 1990's I went to visit some friends I use to go to church with, it was a creek baptist church. It was in a little Indian town called "hitchata Oklahoma". Anyway when you go there all you would see were natives and black natives and maybe a few white people. Anyway, there are little burial houses on the church property and mostly they are old and pretty much reserved for the elders of the tribe when they cross over. They look like little houses. So one day I was just walking around paying my respect with...

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astrology, beaver, blog, blogs, Native American, news, otter, primal astrology, raven, snake, zodiac -

Many of you wanted to know the meaning behind the Native American Zodiac Sign Post! I got Raven and many of you got the Snake, Otter, Beaver, Goose! Well, one of my friends on Facebook looked it up with this website here PRIMAL ZODIAC SIGN OFRAVEN   and I wanted you all to go find out what yours mean too!!! Since many of you asked. Please feel free to take a look and it has ALOT of other helpful information in regards to the western and eastern astrology and birth charts! Enjoy!!  HERE IS THE LINK!

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