IT'S THE SEASON OF THE WITCH! What to do when you have outgrown your spiritual teacher?!
THIS IS THE SEASON OF THE WITCH! Of course many view a "magic wand" as a stick of wood that shoots out magickal energy, light and all sorts of neat things but in essense a wand can be your hand too. There is healing in physical touch. Whether or not people want to believe it but from the beginning of time Reiki masters, Witches, Practitioners all relied on the power of the hands. In modern day times going to the massage therpist can heal what aches us. If the person is very magickal or has he gift of healing. One is very blessed to have someone help them get rid of what has been hurting them phsyically and also mentally! Being that the message in this write up is also about how powerful your intent is. Your intent is so very important! It is important in your spellwork and also manifesting those things that you desire. Many healers who are truly gifted as well know to also focus on their main intent and that is to assist or heal the person that is in need of it!
Check out the youtube video. Many of you have outgrown your mentors. Is this you? Did you have a God parent that didn't do you right? This is a great video for you to watch Ase'!