Orunmila is considered a spirit of wisdom and the God of destiny and prophecy. In present-day Cuba, the Santeria theology regards the Orunmila or Orula as the wise man and he leads the priesthood. He is much loved and leads the cult of Ifa as the Benefactor. Orula is also considered the great healer and has Osain as his right hand, God. Osain is the god of plants and remedies, so the two them work hand in hand. Of all the Orishas, Orula is considered one of the top echelons. He wears many hats and is a prophet and counselor of humans. Many present-day Cubans wear his green and yellow beads as a tribute to him.
Brigitte Harris
I was told that Orunmila is my Orisha or my head. I would like to learn study more about Orula
Claudine Tomlinson
Thank you so much for the information. This information means a lot to me. On my spritual journey
Claudine Tomlinson
Thank you so much for the information. This information means a lot to me. On my spritual journey