The reason WHY I started unsubscribing to other Youtube Spiritualist!

The reason WHY I started unsubscribing to other Youtube Spiritualist!

I unfollowed many because I dont have any interaction with some of them and they are not even subscribed to me. Not only that. I got tired of hearing about all of the beefing and low balling other spiritualist. I want to do better in my life and I dont need to watch those that do not respect their elders, are always calling other spiritualist who are women, bitches and hoes. When you confront them about it they pretend that they dont know what you are talking about or how that wasnt for you. All lies! All they do is hate hate hate on other peoples success and I am tired of it. Not only that. I dont agree with the way a lot of they teach and treat their clients. Some of them treat their clients like they are idiots and dont have a mind of their own. What I see is that they want their people to blindly follow them and not ask any questions that might challenge them or they will go out and make a "smear campaign" against you. I have seen one of them completely take over his girlfriends platform like it was his. We all subscribed to her not him. He always down play her and have her sitting in the background while we have to listen to him spit is crazy agenda, all the while calling all of us bitches and whores. I will not listen to that crap anymore or absorb that energy. If you are watching someone that makes you feel that way. I would recommend you unsubscribe to them too. Peace and Ase' !!!

The soul of the mean, disrespectal  ass youtube spiritualist

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