Women are Sick of Male Bullshit! Women have realized that getting married is not a good bargain for them.
What Makes Women Sick of Male Bullshit?
Women have realized that getting married is not a good bargain for them.
Stop making jokes about how women try to seduce men into marriage and how guys strive to escape commitment.
Many women today are reluctant to get married, and with good cause.
Let's consider what it was like up until a few generations ago. The bride had to get hitched. Because it was nearly difficult for her to support alone, she needed to attract a man in order to live.
The majority of women spent their lives in those positions because there were not many options for them other than marriage and parenting.
Men worked for a living, while women cared for the home and kids.
It is not a coincidence that the availability of effective contraception was accompanied by an increase in the number of divorces, single women, and professional roles for women.
Women who are single don't cause issues for society.
Men who are single are.
Since those times or civilizations, when a few number of wealthy men had numerous wives and concubines and lesser men were thrown adrift with little possibility of marriage, society has not encountered the issue we are currently facing.
Any culture has always struggled with having a large population of unmarried men. What calms down a man? Well, traditionally, it involved getting hitched and starting a family. A surplus of young, unmarried males only created issues and were frequently dispatched to fight in conflicts.
They could be replaced.
(Read Joseph Henrich's book The WEIRDest People in the World for an in-depth look at the evolution of marriage, families, and a lot more fascinating topics. I heartily endorse it!)
Women are no longer confined to harems, yet they are still mostly unattainable since they are no longer in a rush to wed. Without getting married to a guy, they can make their own money, purchase property, have children, and do everything else.
Women understand.
They have witnessed the divorces and independent living of their mothers, grandmothers, and acquaintances who did get married. After hearing the counsel of scorched ladies, they have come to the conclusion that even if they do get married, they cannot rely on a guy to provide for them.
They are aware that they must pursue their own careers because divorce, which is frequent, might lead to financial ruin. Therefore, even if they do get married and have kids, they don't frequently decide to stay at home and raise them.
They are afraid to.
They are aware that even though their spouse earns enough to meet their expenditures, he could leave at any time.
Women frequently emphasize the importance of having a hidden reserve of cash just in case anything like this occurs. It's not at all awful advice. Additionally, it doesn't represent marital trust.
While traditionally women were expected to care for children, many of us now have small families or don't have any children at all. When all of the children are enrolled in school during the day, the intensity of raising a couple of children reduces. (It's still difficult, but not as difficult as when I had to stay up all night changing diapers, feeding babies, and doing other hands-on childcare.)
Therefore, whether or not they are raising children, women may find time for employment.
Young single individuals are becoming more prevalent, which is good in theory but seems to have negative effects in reality. According to statistics, lone persons are less stable financially, unwell, or contented than married or cohabiting individuals. (Obviously, many of you are exceptions.)
The fact that two people living together have less expenses than two people living separately is undoubtedly a contributing factor in this. In addition, having a supportive partner makes it much simpler to go through life, at least in my experience as a woman in a long-term, happy marriage.
Women shouldn't have to give up their autonomy.
Women are not naive. Many of them are single because they have considered their options and come to the conclusion that they are not interested in starting a family with a baby man, who would require them to cook and clean while maintaining their careers, possibly handle the majority of the child care, and later be abandoned.
The reason why not? Yes, the large number of unmarried men loitering around is bad for society, but women shouldn't have to be martyrs.
No woman has ever remarked, "I'm so fatigued, of course, but by marrying this aimless young man, I've helped kept him from wreaking mayhem."
Make a wise decision.
Both men and women who are unhappy with their single status are in great numbers. The majority of individuals would concur that the finest way to navigate life is with a truly happy marriage. The majority of individuals would also concur that having an unhappy marriage is the worst path to take in life.
Singles are hesitant to choose the best course of action for fear that it would ultimately prove to be the worst course. It seems safer to be unmarried rather to take that chance. And frequently it is, particularly for those who don't want to have children.
But what if you actually want children?
Women can raise kids on their own. Some people do it out of choice, while others must. But we are aware that it's not always simple or ideal.
Statistics that indicate the disadvantages that single-parent families have on their children are constantly unfavorable. The typical lower household income of a single parent or the challenges of taking care of everything oneself are contributing factors, but there are other elements that we don't fully grasp.
So, are you a potential partner?
Ask yourself what kind of relationship you want if you're single but not enjoying it.
Stay single if you're a man who isn't able to function well with others. Do not become a father if you are not ready to be an involved parent.
Naturally, ladies should follow the same recommendations. I hardly ever hear a male, however, complain that he does all the childcare, all the shopping, all the cooking, all the cleaning, or all the video game playing while his wife watches TV, plays video games, or goes out with the girls. (I anticipate reading about each of these exceptions in the comments.) Let them go.)
In the past, wealthy men could choose a wife at will, while women had to work extremely hard to make themselves desirable enough for a man to choose them.
Men, things have changed. You will now be the one to persuade a woman to give up being single in order to wed you.
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