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  Oshun is a goddess of the Afro-Caribbean people who represents riches, love, beauty, and good fortune. You could try the following procedures if you want to cast a money spell with Oshun:Collect the necessary supplies, including cash, gold glitter, cinnamon sticks, honey, and yellow candles, which are symbols of riches and abundance. As a further representation of Oshun's presence during the spell, you could want to have a photograph or statue of her nearby.Set the scene by lighting some yellow candles and turning on upbeat, empowering music. To promote tranquility, you may also light some incense, such as cinnamon...

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Oshun -

Who is Oshun (the orisha)?

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  In the African traditional religion of the Yoruba people of Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana, Oshun is a venerated deity. She is related to the pleasant waters of the rivers, streams, and lakes and is revered as the goddess of fertility, love, beauty, and prosperity. Millions of people all around the world worship and revere Oshun, who is regarded as one of the most potent and influential orishas, or gods.Oshun's creation by Olodumare, the supreme god, is credited with giving the world life and fertility in the ancient Yoruba kingdom of Ife, where she first appeared. Oshun is credited...

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Horoscope for Feb of 2022 -

                                       brought to you by spiritualsuppliesandcandles.com Welcome to February 2023! This month is sure to be packed full of surprises and new experiences. Whether you are a die-hard astrology enthusiast or a curious beginner, this is the perfect time to take a look at your zodiac sign and see what’s in store. Here’s a look at what each sign can expect this month. Aries This is a great month for Aries to focus on their creativity and ambition. Take advantage of the...

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How to do a bay leaf money spell? Bay leaf money spells are an easy, simple way to manifest wealth. Here's how to do it: 1. Gather a bay leaf, a green candle, and some coins. 2. Place the bay leaf and coins on a table or other flat surface. 3. Light the green candle and focus on your desire to attract wealth. 4. Place your hands over the bay leaf and coins and repeat a mantra such as “Money come to me, abundance flow to me.” 5. Visualize a stream of wealth coming to you. 6. When finished, snuff...

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