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     Sweet gum balls or witches burrs or witches balls are the sharp, thorny protective casings that house hide the seeds of the sweet gum tree. In the same family as witch hazel, the sweet gum tree is uniquely american. You find it’s magickal properties called on most commonly in american folk magick and african american hoodoo. And it’s medicinal properties called on in medicines like Tamiflu. I was gifted these three balls the other day and I know what I’m going to do with them. But here are some ideas in case you happen upon a few of...

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Kodak Black, Spirit Celebrity Readings -

Check out this video about what the cards say about Kodak Black! Also live readings to my clients and new people on YOUTUBE! THE SHOW WAS ANOTHER SUCCESS! 

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Rapper Goonew dead body on display! Was this a voodoo ritual? -

Check out the video by scrolling below. Feel free to leave your comments on my youtube channel. 

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