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Osanyin, the orisha osanyin -

Statues of the Orisha Osanyin. The first statue can be purchased in any botanica. The second statue is an authentic Yoruba statue of Osanyin specifically made for a Babalow in Nigera, many centuries ago.  Time For Learning:Osain/Osanyin in IFA – Yoruba Spirituality. Osanyin (also called Osain) is the orisha of all plant-life, healing, and magic. He is known as a powerful wizard and master of all spells and crafts found in the wild and the untamed areas of nature. The properties of herbs and plants are recognized for both their spiritual and physical qualities. It is believed that the force that...

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how oshun obtained her wealth -

Hello, there spiritual family! I hope you all are doing okay. Are you doing okay?  I hope you enjoy this Pataki (story).     Ochun had fought with her sister Yemaya and decided to set up a separate kingdom. She walked and walked until she reached a place where each one of her steps turned into a river. There she established herself with her husband Inle. The latter, however, eventually grew indifferent to her charms and she became so poor that her dress turned yellow from repeated washings. One day, Chango went by Ochun's home and advised her to seek Orunmila's...

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